Jeremias Baur

23 year old maker

Since I was a child, I have been obsessed with building stuff.Sometimes it is useful, sometimes it is not. My motivation is to combine my creativity and technical knowledge to create engaging, interactive, fun and thought-provoking experiences. I love to bring joy to my surrounding with my creations.This website is a small showcase of previous projects of mine. They are quite old and since I started studying at ETH Zurich, I haven't updated the website.If you want to know about my recent work and CV, please reach out below!


edVR is a new, innovative and unique Virtual Reality learning environment!

'reliq' - a short film about a digital dystopia

Complete Build of an Inverse Pendulum including Hardware and various Control Algorithms

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FutureAR - AR proof of concepts for restaurants, education and games

Other projects:


- Winner of one of the five special prizes at the exhibition of excellent Matura theses of Zurich with edVR
- 1st place at the Alfred-Escher-Prize 2019 of ETH Zurich with edVR
- Winner of the Kühn ideas competition of Impuls Mittelschule with edVR
- Gold Award and "FANTOCHE - Best Animation Film" at the Swiss youth competition Bugnplay 2018 for 'reliq’
- Winner of the Hungarian <19 Freestyle Computer Contest and 14th Neumann competition with VR Dungeon, a two player cooperation game
- Gold Award and Dart Next Generation Award at Bugnplay 2017 for FutureAR
- Game Award at Bugnplay 2016 for FindJ